2025 Program of Work (Goals)
Develop Workforce and Education initiatives that will create a continuous work ready talent pipeline.
- Host a Hiring Event to connect graduating Seniors with job opportunities in our area. Wrap up the event with a "Signing Day" that will promote our local businesses and highlight / promote each student’s choice to go directly into a career.
- Work towards achieving ACT Work Ready Community Certification for White County and our region. CRC will allow us to measure and close the skills gap while providing valuable workforce data for economic development recruitment and business expansion.
- Work on implementing the state’s new matchmaking employment service including high school internship programs/apprenticeships.
- Promote available and stackable training and credentials that are free or have minimal cost.
- Continue to host Career Fairs.
- Facilitate collaborative meetings with business, industry, and educational personnel to conduct plant tours and onsite visits. Explore hosting an Economic Arkansas Entrepreneurship Education Session.
- Investigate the creation of a Worksite Wellness Committee to develop awareness and buy in from employers and employees to combat drug abuse and mental illness.
- Investigate the creation of a Concierge Program that will create a welcoming experience that helps spouses find employment and networking groups in our area.
Business Retention & Expansion (BRE)
- Conduct visits with existing businesses to identify issues and remove barriers to growth and success.
Business Development
- Prepare and conduct studies such as wage and benefit survey that are deemed appropriate to facilitate the development of the businesses in the Searcy region.
- In general, perform activities and functions that are necessary and appropriate to the pursuit of the common goal of Searcy, Moving Searcy Forward and SREDC in attracting and developing business and industry to Searcy, aiding in the creation of new jobs, retaining existing jobs, and improving the economic environment in Searcy.
Entrepreneurship Support Services
- Explore options to continue working with The Conductor and the Arkansas Small Business & Technology Development Center to provide entrepreneur support.
- Promote the launch of the state’s new entrepreneur support website.
- Visit with the Venture Center about a train the trainer program.
- Investigate hosting peer groups or shared services program.
- Seek and collect information, programs, and ideas that will assist member businesses.
- Seek funding sources to further our ESO goals.
Government Affairs Committee advocacy for our members and the business community- Coordinate and host events such as Legislative Breakfast and “In The Know Series” to educate, inform the membership, elected leadership and public on key issues and activities.
- Advocate chamber positions on local, state, and federal legislative issues of importance to the Searcy business community.
- Continue to position the chamber of commerce as the voice of business by strengthening relationships with local, state and federal representatives.
Improve services that assist and promote member business.
- Look at purchasing a new CRM and building a new website to better serve our members.
- Purchase a texting program to improve communications with members.
- Use the chamber’s social media platforms to promote members and their job postings, news, and noteworthy events.
- Survey members to gain insight into ways we can better serve them.
- Create a Membership Services Committee to visit with members to understand how we can better serve members.
- Investigate the creation of a Vision Committee to develop a three-year strategic plan.
Develop and improve existing programs and events to strengthen and promote member businesses.
- Ambassadors
- Shop Local
- Host monthly networking opportunities that alternating between morning, lunch and after hour events.
- Host business education seminars.
- Celebrate the chamber’s accomplishments and high performing local businesses at the Annual Awards Banquet.
- Host the Chairman’s Memorial Golf Tournament.
- Host Economic Forum Luncheon.
- Host Annual Legislative Breakfast.
- Begin hosting quarterly Chamber 411 “Member Orientation” meetings.
Promote Searcy as a destination and a great place to live, work and do business.
- Create a “Welcome to Searcy” packet.
- Produce the annual Searcy Newcomer’s & Relocation Guide.
Rebrand the chamber with a new logo, tag line, marketing materials and a new or improved website.
Support local place making efforts
- Support the implementation of the master plan for the city.
- Support the city’s efforts to secure grant funding.
- Promote the development of third places and entertainment venues/businesses in Searcy
Cultivate Leaders through Leadership Searcy.
Explore the creation of a Leadership Searcy Program for high school students.
A Natural Fit.